Award Winning Technology
Is the internet a useful vehicle for delivering innovative new sustainable practices to the construction industry? I am pleased and proud to say that the definitive answer to this is yes! On October 26th our firm was awarded the Vancouver Regional Construction Association’s inaugural Sustainable Construction and Innovation Award for our recently introduced
The award “recognizes sustainable construction and innovation that is having proven economic, environmental and/or social benefits, contributing to sustainable building practices. The innovation should be recognized as a robust building project, product or service, to which the industry is responding with enthusiasm.” We are very pleased that a panel of industry experts selected our technology as the solution best fitting these criteria from among a strong field of candidates.
We launched our PlanSource in July 2009. It takes the completion and submission of complex construction bids, formerly a paper-based process, and adapts the process for the Internet eliminating the need for bidders to prepare and print a paper tender form and then physically deliver it to the bidding authority. Even the submission of Bid Bonds is done digitally eliminating even more paper and delivery impacts. In addition to the there are very substantial business efficiencies delivered by the technology creating a complete win/win/win for the organizations using it, the project it is used on and the environment we all live in.
In the 10 years our online technologies have been used in the construction industry we have literally saved a forest of trees worth of paper production. The fact that paper wasn’t required to be physically transported has also had a major impact on the amount of greenhouse gases polluting our atmosphere. Our team works hard to continually deliver innovative new solutions for the construction industry and it is very gratifying to know that their combined efforts are also helping to make our world a better place for us and our