What is Viagra? The effect of Viagra on the body, the principle of operation and the effect of the application
How many times can you drink Viagra , the method of using the drug, its composition, the principle of action on the man’s body, what effect it gives, how long it lasts and what properties it has, contraindication, instructions for use, side effects and other answers to popular questions can be found in this article …
Libido problems arise for various reasons, usually physical fatigue, stress, chronic illness, and so on. Erectile dysfunction depressing, which only leads to the progression of the situation, especially for young guys. In this case, it makes sense to think about taking a drug like Viagra.
Viagra: how and how much Viagra pill for men works on the body
When developing, the indications for the use of Viagra were completely different: the drug was designed to cope with diseases such as angina pectoris and arterial hypertension. After conducting clinical trials, an unexpected but striking effect of Viagra was discovered – the main active ingredient had a positive effect on potency, the drug works.
As a result, it began to be used specifically to correct problems associated with erectile dysfunction. They began to trust Viagra – it became literally a “lifesaver” for many men who have difficulties in bed.
The principle of its action on the body is quite simple: by increasing the lumen of the vessels, the blood circulates calmly and fills the cavernous bodies of the penis, which brings it into a “working state”. Also braking commences generation of the enzyme phosphodiesterase, adversely affecting the potency, and increased production of nitric oxide in such a manner works Viagra for boys and men.
Now Viagra can be bought at any pharmacy and the name has become a household name for a whole group of drugs, the use of which gives similar results.
Indications for use, how to take
Viagra and any other sexual aids (https://theroids.ws/sexual-aids/) can be used by men who have problems with sexual arousal resulting from poor filling of the spongy bodies of the penis with blood. It can be caused by various diseases and injuries from diabetes mellitus to back problems. Also, one of the points that determines the popularity of this group of drugs for potency is their use by athletes who are fond of strength sports. Sports pharmacology can have a depressing effect on erectile function, so taking Viagra will be completely justified in this case.
In addition to the fact that as a result of the use of the drug, a purely physiological problem is removed, it also has a positive effect on the psychological state of a man: self-confidence appears , stress associated with problems in the sexual sphere disappears, and relations in the family are improving.
You can use it once a day. Initially, one tablet is taken, after which the result is assessed and the dose can be adjusted in one direction or another, but not more than 100 mg per day.
Elderly people should be wary of taking Viagra and it is best to consult a doctor before that for an individual dosage selection.
Also you can use Sildenafil and other similar drugs (https://theroids.ws/post-amp-on-cycle-therapy/) like an addition to Post-course therapy after Pumping cycle
Composition of Viagra, contraindications for use
The main active ingredient of “magic” tablets is sildenafil. It is it that gives the desired action that the male part of the population is waiting for. It also contains cellulose and some additional components necessary for full assimilation by the body. It is produced in a package of one to twelve pieces, most often it is a blue tablet.
The duration of Viagra has its own duration: you need to drink it half an hour before sexual contact – that is exactly how much it needs to start working. The duration is one hour.
Its use should be careful, special attention should be paid to contraindications, which include:
- age under 18;
- ischemia;
- heart attack;
- stroke;
- low blood pressure (hypotension);
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
- any thrombosis;
- oncology (even in remission).
All of the above can serve to develop negative consequences.
Side effects
For many, this method of restoring their male solvency is the simplest and most convenient: it is sold without a prescription, it can be purchased everywhere at affordable prices. But, do not forget that this is primarily a medicine and it has its own side effect. In rare cases, you can observe the appearance of headache, short-term visual disturbances, diarrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
It is also possible incompatibility with some heart drugs taken on an ongoing basis. Such people need to consult with their doctor. Its use by women did not lead to positive effects , but for the weaker sex, other means have been developed, which have received the name “female Viagra” in everyday life.
Male Viagra on our website is presented in the form of tablets, 100 pieces per package, when taking them, it is recommended to initially read the instructions, which indicate the method of using this remedy, its action, composition and a lot of other important information. You can choose and buy Viagra tablets in the catalog of drugs to increase potency, also in this section you will find how many tablets are in one plate and what is their cost.