Author: admin

Scheduling can be a real headache

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Here is a new candidate in the cool tools category. It is yet another example of how internet based applications are changing the way we work. How many times have you wasted hours trying to get a group of people…

A Planroom is a Planroom is a Planroom

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Everybody knows what a planroom is whether you call it a planroom, plansroom or plan room. It is a central repository where prospective bidders go to access documents and information for construction project opportunities. Groups of Contractors through Construction Associations…

IPad’s on the Construction Site

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I have been watching with interest an ongoing conversation with a group of construction professionals about the utility of the new iPad device for the construction site. It’s safe to say that of the 120 or so posts so far…

So what is e-Procurement?

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Like so many things it depends who you ask. For some it refers to the entire workflow from the moment a need is identified through to the final payment and warranty administration for a service or item. Others describe it…

Infinite Source continues to Innovate

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Infinite Source Systems Corp. is launching its latest innovative service today. Our years of experience delivering high quality online services combined with our ability to deliver practical, user friendly innovation have resulted in a new industry leading service called i.s.…

Is it better to lead or follow?

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There are a lot of companies selling technology services to the construction industry. Reading their websites often yield pitches like; “New”, “Innovative”, “Unique”, “Industry Leading”, and so on. In truth, a number of these companies are simply executing a ‘close…

Green Construction at the Bidding Phase

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A few years ago most bidders would not have pictured themselves submitting their construction bids online in a paperless environment. It represents a major change from decades of travelling to closings, faxing bid amendments, last minute decisions and all the…

Construction Bidding Court Case #3 – Forms

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An essential requirement to ensure you are conducting a fair and equitable bidding process is making certain that all bidders receive the same information and documentation in an equal and timely manner. Doing so will ensure a successful bid process…

The Impact of the Internet on Bidding Practices in the Construction Industry

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I think we have moved beyond the conversations about whether the Internet is going to change some of the long standing practices in the construction industry. It wasn’t that long ago that Invitations to Bid had to be faxed, rolls…